Featured Articles
CONJURE (Updated!)
Begin Here
3 articles
What is Fractal Praxis?
Fractal Praxis in Poetic Manifesto
The Essence and the Embodiers of Fractal Praxis
Ceremonies and Circles
27 articles
Embracing Ritual Spaces and Spiritual States
Open Open Hours: Introduction and Invitation
Why I Host Celtic Wheel of the Year Ritual Space
Freedom and the Great Beyonds
Touched by the Void
17 articles
To Do This In Community
How Shall Our Collective Garden Grow?
Open Open Hours: Introduction and Invitation
Gross Disturbance
Sound and Light
6 articles
Branching, Breakdowns and Breakthroughs
Freedom and the Great Beyonds
Touched by the Void
Been Gone Beyond
Moon, Dunes, Commune
26 articles
Embracing Ritual Spaces and Spiritual States
The World Can Change from You On Out
Resensitizing for the Resistance
The struggle is real. Will you use it to become more adaptive?
How do you know something is true?
Truer Words
6 articles
Fractal Praxis in Poetic Manifesto
There are more true worlds and there are less true worlds
The world is breaking down. Why not you, too?
Let It Be Lit
A Daring Dive And A Sharing Splash
Unfurling Fractal Praxis Series
7 articles
The Blessings of Feedback
God is Change, Goddess! Change Us!
Big Time Adaptivity
The Thinning of the Veil
Dreaming Worlds Big and Small