Liberating Life Through Us
Life on Earth is threatened by systemic degradation. Can life self-organize its way to saving itself? Can humans play an integral role in that very project?

Grateful for the complexity and new relationships generated by my participation in the Microsolidarity community convergence held at Everland in Sedalia, Colorado this past week. Shoutout to some of my beloved new friends like Ioan, Jordan, Sara and Andy who became new subscribers of this newsletter! 💓💓💓
In that event, I had a chance to give a 7 minute lighting talk about Fractal Praxis. I chose to use my 7 minutes as a daring experiment in trying to state, ahem, the entire Fractal Praxis theory. ...It didn't crash and burn, though it also wasn't perfect. But I was inspired by that experience to change up my plans for the video this week.
In this week's video, I distill "Life as a pattern." I try to explain exactly what Life is—just the essence, the irreducible patterning of Life in the universe. And I try to get you to imagine what it would be like if we understood and aligned ourselves with this core patterning.
The next several videos throughout the month of November will unpack the individual, societal and cultural implications if we were to understand and align ourselves with Life-as-a-pattern. So keep tuning in! Don't forget to follow me on Instagram, and as always, you can drop by this page to revisit past episodes.
I hold faith in our liberation processes and how they coincide with and reinforce "what Life wants to happen" through us.
🎃Thank you to all who came out for the recent Samhain community ritual space at Shared Ground.🎃 I am entering a rest period, but it seems like there is some momentum and interest for another community ritual space on Yule (December 21). Hopefully this time—exactly one year from when I initiated the pattern of hosting these community ritual spaces—is ripe for the formation of a collective of community stewards who are willing to ensure regular community ritual spaces are happening on the Celtic Wheel of the Year holidays. Stay tuned for updates!
Free yourself,