Unfurling Fractal Praxis Series

Yielding Truth, Wielding Truth

Hello friends of Fractal Praxis, This week's video

A December Eruption of Events

The offerings are effervescing lately... Dear reader—dive into whatever

Dreaming Worlds Big and Small

My latest two videos in the Unfurling Fractal Praxis series

Liberating Life Through Us

Life on Earth is threatened by systemic degradation. Can life

The Thinning of the Veil

Samhain Community Ritual Space: October 30th, 7pm at Shared Ground!

Big Time Adaptivity

This week's video explores the notion of "

God is Change, Goddess! Change Us!

"All that you touch, you change. All that you

The Blessings of Feedback

Climate change is feedback. What are the blessings of what