Yielding Truth, Wielding Truth

Hello friends of Fractal Praxis,

This week's video describes the Way of Fractal Praxis for an individual practitioner.

How willing are you to let Truth shape you—rather than the other way around?

Most of us casually conform information we receive into pre-determined boxes. We lean on existing, entrenched assumptions and cognitive biases to select for only some information—the rest gets filtered out. This is largely unconscious. We want reality to fit and suit our selves (our "truths").

But what if the greatest call of being alive was to fit ourselves to reality? To adapt ourselves to Truth, ever more robustly?

What if we engaged with rigor in honing our beliefs and behaviors against that firm edge of indissoluble Truth?

This is akin to taking Life's subtle, universal patterning and amplifying it, therefore increasing our Aliveness and enhancing how we benefit our living communities.

The product of this very process, The Bones of Life, is the first short book I plan to publish as Fractal Praxis. It discusses the irreducible elegant truths underpinning life's outrageous complexity that I have found—the truths I believe are the most useful and adaptive to subscribe to.

Watch to learn more!

As always, here is the archive page where you can catch up on all past videos.

Partner with Truth and be remade. This is one of the slogans of Fractal Praxis.

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Join us for the Yule Community Ritual, December 21st!

🌲RSVP Here🌲

Purge Church, December 30th.

Request access by emailing me or sending me a dm on Instagram.

A movement ritual space, set to a dark, dissonant ambiance, designed to let you shake out the repressed rage, grief and frustration stored in your body. By invitation only.

Til next week,
