The Thinning of the Veil

Samhain Community Ritual Space: October 30th, 7pm at Shared Ground!


Samhain is inarguably the BEST holiday on the Celtic Wheel of the Year. It is so legendary it has become the modern-day spectacular trifecta of holidays known as Halloween, All Saints Day, and Dia de los Muertos! πŸŽƒπŸ•―οΈπŸ’€

In this sacred holiday, a midpoint between fall equinox and the winter solstice, it is widely said that the veil between life and death reaches its thinnest point. This can be treated as a time for sacred communion with those who have passed on, and recognizing our deep continuity with our ancestors.

In a Christianized mainstream culture, however, the predominant flavor for the unknown and the dark is invariably fear. Thus the source of the lore about zombies, vampires, mummies and all sorts of "creatures of the night" emerging and being empowered in this window of time.

It seems to me this time of year has us relishing and delighting in our shadowβ€”and the fears associated with our shadow gaining expression. Trick or treating used to be much more trickery and malicious deviance than candy and costumes. Something about the descent of winter just gets us all wired and fired up for a touch of madness.

Samhain is often acknowledged as the "Witches' New Year" because of this perceived increase in "dark power" around this time. Or, how I like to think of it: witches are trained to "see in the dark" and navigate subtle energies, finding the "bones" and the gathering the scraps of things that others would overlook or discard. This time of year energetically matches and thus amplifies what witches are already active in cultivating. πŸ§™πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

After all: that delicious, exhilarating fear of the unknown? It guards the bliss to be obtained if one dares move through it... and find it transformed into the rapturous liberation of the known.

Sometimes, it is yummy not to know.

I am extra excited for this ritual space because it's the first time I'll be fully handing off facilitation to my luminous colleague, Katherine Newell Okojie.

My dream for these community ritual spaces is that they would one day be truly held in, by and for community. As Starhawk writes about in The Spiral Dance, it is traditional for witches to share power and rotate roles in practicing magic and organizing circles.

My ultimate dream is a collective or coven of witches of all genders who organize themselves and rotate roles to make sure that the community ritual spaces are always happening on every Celtic Wheel of the Year holiday.

Do you want to be a part of such a circle? I'm calling you in! Let me know by sending an email to If I gather enough interest, I'll convene us for a group meeting to discuss the future of these ritual spaces! πŸ–€

Life as Learning as Liberation: The Latest Fractal Praxis Video Teaching

Please enjoy my latest take on life as learning, learning as life, and life loving complexity.

I feel like this is one of my best video offerings yet! It's just 10 minutes. Please carve out some time to watch it. And if you're craving to catch up on past weeks' videos, you can do so here.

I want to help educate and equip you to directly see the interconnectedness that's really there in all aspects of our lives. I want to help you learn to see and partner with Life/living systems's root patterning. I yearn for your liberation through working with Life as it is.

Through this, my life's holy work, I hope to help you progressively "thin the veil" between what you know and what you don't know: between truth and ignorance, adaptation and annihilation.

If you resonate with this path, please check out more of my offerings on

In solidarity with you and in love with the marriage of knowing and mystery,
