POSTPONED: Oct 17th MoonRise event

Sometimes my ambitions get out ahead of me.

The next full moon is October 17th. πŸŒ• And in the heady days after Moon Dunes this year, this date felt like ideal timing for a Fractal Praxis soiree dinner party.

Since then, life has taken some surprising twists and turns.πŸŒͺοΈπŸŒ€

I am not prepared to unpack those here, but I will say, my energy has been reallocated in some fulfilling and astonishing new lanes πŸ›£οΈβ€”in love ❀️, home 🏑, AND work πŸ’Όβ€”to which I’m admittedly still adjusting.

With great joy and anticipation, I feel myself 🧲 magnetically pulled toward a phase of the moon, of the seasons, of the mind/body/heart, of great reflection. πŸŒ‘

I'm realizing I have failed to make sufficient space lately, amidst all the events and stimulation, for my horror and grief for the world today, and for the often treacherous personal journey I've tred to the success now surrounding me.

Good design requires pausing to reflect, harvest, and integrate one’s learnings, before moving in the direction of new iterations. Healing requires rest and integration, too. Grief requires space; when suppressed into margins, it risks becoming distributed into toxic vague malaise.

I’m VERY excited about what creations, activities, groups and works Fractal Praxis has in store for 2025 and beyond. 🌟 So excited, I even maybe prematurely tried to announce them. πŸ“£

But in this instance, further anticipation serves. βœ‹

Sometimes a phase of not-knowing, of uncertainty, of anticipation, enables the ripening of an intention or a dream. To suffer for greater union with what we love, doesn't discount any ultimate union, it makes us more whole.

I am thrilled to bring this emerging Fractal Praxis community together, to gather, to encounter, to awaken, to disrupt, to discourse, to wonder, to find and be found. But this time, I overshot it. 🏹 Shooting the moon often falls short, but that doesn’t make it less worthwhile!

Instead of revelation πŸŒ• there will be a period of waiting. πŸŒ‘...πŸŒ‘...πŸŒ‘

You can expect the event’s new date will be on a full moon, and will occur further into the Winter season. Details will come out later. Thanks to all who responded to the earlier event invite.

πŸ“» Now, to return you to whatever regular programming this newsletter may boast:

I’ll be writing Fractal Praxis manifesto material in this coming dark season, and publishing excerpts of it on this very newsletter. βœοΈπŸ“–

It’s time.

Stay tuned.

Be blessed.
