Sovereign and Seen

Sovereign and seen.
Sovereign, strange, and seen.
Sovereign, strange, solemn, and serene.
I cannot help but be
Sovereign and seen.
Fractal Praxis is a 🌲 forest ecosystem 🌲 of ideas, that interact fluidly to facilitate wise and deep praxis in the world. 🕸️ All ideas derive from key ancestors (people and ideas—including earlier versions of me), and yet they continue evolving, recombining, and emerging in curious and more elegant new forms.
I'm no longer trying to hold a veil between my true self and the world. In fact, I'm stepping up-on platforms to speak as and from Fractal Praxis. 🧼📦🎤
This past Saturday some kin & I flocked to Yellow Barn for an experimental event they called Sovereignty Summit. There, I spoke on a panel about spiritual empowerment, I flow-preached to the full audience, and I led a group song, all on themes of sovereignty. I'll be releasing video and other content from that event soon.

This was my first time ever public speaking in the Fractal Praxis modality.
The closest I've ever gotten would be:
- speaking about the Shared Ground vision to over 100 Shared Ground community members (March 2023)
- the Shared Ground Visionaries Salon event (September 2022),
- and the Holisma masses, which I curated and designed back in Spring 2023.
<– Most of these were not public events per se... and/or, I was not riffing freely from a Fractal Praxis lens on whatever the particular theme or pattern.
To prepare for my offerings to the Sovereignty Summit, I had to gather the pieces of my thoughts tagged sovereignty, scattered across time and space, like Bone Woman 🦴🧙♀️ and stitch together a coherent weave of meaning on this big broad theme.
And there was SO MUCH I could say. Too much for the container. A heady swirl of loosely connected revelations. 🖇️
So the more I failed at this task, the more I had to release expectations and lean into support from faith and Spirit. 💥
This was yet another micro-ordeal that I put myself through to refine my ability to show up in a certain holy mode: Present, Only (willing to speak when at least mostly) Channelling, and Conscious (leveraging a clear mind and articulate thoughts). I'm devoted to cultivating this mode more and more daily.
Depending on what felt "alive" in the moment, I guided us into some intuitive and faithful territory.
...And it worked, at least by the measure of numerous forms of positive feedback from attendees I received. Of course, I felt like I could have done better... but regardless, people received from my whole-hearted, embodied, prayerful offerings. And I am grateful they did. For what I'm interpreting from the general feedback:
Keep going. Do more like this. Get yourself out there. People will respond to who you are, and to the empowerment that represents for them.
I'm honored to walk this path with you all. Getting to this point on the journey would have been impossible without your witness, support, and sponsorship. 💓
So that's why, this next full moon 🌕, I'm ready to HOWL 🐺 it to the stars 🌌—

October 17th (full moon)
Doors at 6pm, dinner at 6:30, show/games/entertainment starting at 7pm
in Golden, Colorado (text for address)
This event is a celebration of Fractal Praxis' past, present and future. Featuring an exclusive guest list of Fractal Praxis' ceremony participants, embodier members, and special supporters, fans, friends, and faithful.
Its format is like a quilt, a mosaic of playful patterns:
- a fundraiser dinner 🍽️🍲💸
- a cabaret showcase 💃🎤👄
- an underground mass 🧙⛪🖤
For your entertainment, I will be invoking and unveiling teasers of the scene and seen. 🫖🍵😉
Guests: Dinner is gifted to you; BYOB and other snacks/treats are welcome! Also please consider bringing a <3-minute "offering" of your original creation that involves music, movement, or words, and is in some way inspired by or connected to Fractal Praxis. The event will also include a gamified fundraiser—bring cash or donate online, and receive tokens to vote towards Fractal Praxis prizes. 🎟️
Individuals will receive a personalized invite by text or email this week. RSVP is required, as the event is expected to fill up. Contact me with any questions or for more details.
Founded in mystery, grounded in emergence...
Together We Rise or not at all.
Following an order intuitive
reflected in the Moon's thirteen yearly cycles
we circle round our ultimate purpose like a crux,
in fervant witness and freeing expression 🌀
until we inhabit its core ⭕
Together we gather and meet what's to come. 👁️