Hyper-Evolution and Responding to Systems Collapse

Today's WEWS starts off addressing the stunning collective reality we inhabit. How are we witnessing the collapse of complex systems? How do we grapple with the parts within us, individually and collectively, that HATE complexity—and also LOVE complexity? How do we develop and adapt in response to these unprecedented times?
I introduce the notion of hyperevolution which relates to an intensive, systematic, inner way of being that maximizes insight generation through "metabolizing" as much information as possible from lived experiences. This leads to the ability to overcome non-adaptive patterns—inner and outer, and to accurately identify and respond to systems & patterns in a way that renders greater sovereignty, liberation, and capacity to survive and thrive.
And, not figuratively: this is the story of my life. It's a way I've lived that differentiates me, and the results I get, from others. And it's time for you to hear more about it.
Would you be interested in joining a course or mastermind centered on hyperevolution? Well, you're in luck!
NEW! Interest form for Fractal Praxis Courses
Please fill out this interest form to let us know which courses you'd like to see offered by Fractal Praxis! 👇👇👇
2025 will be the year of the first Fractal Praxis cohorts!
A cohort is basically an educational course that the students move through synchronously as a full group. I prefer the term "learning journey" to "course," as it will include discussion, applied practices, sharing and sense-making plus study.
Cohorts will vary in their scale, format, and location (some online, some in person). There are SIX different original cohort offerings to choose from!
Which one will be "greenlighted" first? 🚦 Whichever one has the most demand!
So FILL OUT THE SURVEY today to let me know which cohort YOU feel most called to! Maybe it's YOUR favorite one that will be announced later in the year!
Technical difficulties on the two recent livestreams
I apologize for frustrating issue with the previous two weeks' WEWS. For some reason the livestream recordings were cut off mid-way through—the full content was not published, for some opaque reason. 😡
I will be re-recording and uploading replacement videos as time permits. Luckily for last week's talk about Reassociation, I did record a version of it earlier in the day. That unedited video, containing the full talk, is now available here:
👉 WATCH Week #7 WEWS - Reassociation (FIXED)
I will no longer trust Youtube livestream, and will revert to producing only pre-recorded videos until this issue is adequately resolved. I'm sorry for any inconvenience to my viewers.
Thank you & bless you,