God is Change, Goddess! Change Us!
"All that you touch, you change. All that you change, changes you. The only lasting truth is change. God is change." - Parable of the Sower, Octavia Butler
This week's video episode on Instagram, part of the series "Unfurling Fractal Praxis," addresses how climate change is just one form of Change, and what it is asking from us in terms of changing ourselves.
I describe the contours or "shape" of consciousness change processes—the disruption and reorganizing of cognitive structures.
I explain how this phenomenon manifests fractally—on the level of individuals (going through rites of passage), and on the level of the collective/civilization, which climate change represents.
Change IS. Without out, we would not be. It is necessary for life.
And we can partner with change to bring about more aliveness, more power and purpose in our lives, by being willing to release and reorganize that which we are not, and being willing to "be changed" by encounter with the truth of what we are.
Thank you for watching. I would love to receive your feedback & hold discussions about any of this material. Please follow me on Instagram!
I'm experimenting with using makeup in these videos, which I normally don't wear. Today, it was to cover up the raw evidence of my own breakdown & breakthrough process yesterday, which had me bawling in abject grief for hours straight. (When breakdown is happening for me, I really let it feel like the end of the world—because to some extent, it actually is. A worldview IS a world.)
It's not that those "truths" of my yesterday need covering up, in principle. They are as much a part of my work as today's video or this newsletter. My specific breakdown is just not as salient as the pattern level teachings I endeavor to provide in this series. It is details versus pattern—and I don't want the details to distract.
THANK YOU to everyone who made the Fall Equinox community ritual space a resounding success! It affected and healed me deeply to gather in movement, song, chanting, crafting, ceremony, and circle with you all. I'm so grateful to my cofacilitators Linda Zizlavska and Katherine Newell Okojie, and to the 15 diverse people who turned out to ceremonialize the shifting wheel of time.
One of the chants we practiced was documented by Starhawk in her luminous book, Spiral Dance. Called the Kore chant, it contains a verse that goes like this:
She changes everything She touches, and
Everything she touches, changes.
Change is, touch is, Touch is, change is.
Change us! Touch us! Touch us! Change us!

May you be changed by the work of truth and how truth works us into new forms.
Much love to you,