Getting Out There
Greetings fellow seekers. Thanks for witnessing me in "getting out there."
In this context, I mainly mean: "putting myself out there." Putting out my ideas that I've cultivated in the dark moist mind realm, and kept to myself for years.
This moment is an inflection point in the history of Fractal Praxis' development: I am letting go of any embodied offerings (with some choice exceptions—see below🕯️🎃🦇) for now, in order to put my energy on getting Fractal Praxis OUT THERE more. Getting it groked and getting it talked about. Read on!
But first let me revel in the aesthetic ambiguity of the title.
Another meaning of Getting Out There could be: Getting outdoors, submitting oneself to the greatness of OUTness... something I've written about several times already. ➡️Change Up! ➡️Freedom and the Great Beyonds ➡️Touched by the Void
Yet another meaning could be: Becoming "out there"—as in wacky, beyond the norm of social codes. Getting to the place within our selves where we're willing to be seen as "out there" by others. I like this one too!
Can you think of another meaning?
I really love it when there's an abundance and ambiguity of meanings, all of them true. And when we use the first, automatic "sense" we made of a statement to reveal our own inner wiring and biases in that moment. That process is true wealth to me. 🔑
Getting Traction for the Fractal Praxis Action ;)
I'm putting out weekly videos on Instagram, talking about the meaning behind the theory of Fractal Praxis. Here's the latest!
I'll be issuing a weekly video through the rest of 2022. Please follow me on IG, watch the talks, and let me know what you think!
I also updated the website and made a 🔖 new page 🔖 dedicated for this video series and introductory contents on Fractal Praxis. If you ever miss a video, bookmark this link to see the latest. Check it out!
My next step is trying to get these signals "out there" where they're most juicy. Do you know of discourses in which Fractal Praxis could belong, shape change, and thrive? Please let me know!
Also next, I'm scheming and dreaming up some Fractal Praxis masses (enjoy-n me 😄 in the fun worldplay by saying it out loud!) What's a Fractal Praxis mass? I'm envisioning: ceremonial spaces like a Sunday mass in which teachings from the Fractal Praxis way are illuminated through both stimulating oratory and embodied rituals and practices.
After the successes of the recent Fall Equinox ritual, all I can say is: I come alive (and so do you, maybe!) in intentional, non-dogmatic, playful, open-form ritual spaces, in which the aim is to connect with self, with Spirit, with life, and with each other. What could be more wholesome than that?

Join me in building Shared Ground
There's so much going on at Shared Ground, the cooperative church I am helping. build... the masses I mention above would be happening THERE if/when they happen. So make sure you check SG out on Instagram and get the weekly newsletter if you want to stay in the loop for some radical regenerative community-building and heart-filling activities.
Samhain ritual space is October 30th!
👻🎃🦇The next ritual space is all about magical HALLOWEEN. 👻🎃🦇 The greatest and grandest holiday in the entire Wheel of the Year!
It is happening Sunday October 30th, 7-9pm at Shared Ground (map). Details TBA but will probably feature collaborator Katherine Newell as one of the main facilitators!
🕯️🦇🎃RSVP here!🎃🦇🕯️
I'm hoping to gather a collective of community weavers who dedicate ourselves to ensuring and sharing the work of putting on these Celtic Wheel of the Year community ritual spaces. Is this you? Could you help? If so, please reach out! You know how to find me. 😉
Thanks, as always, for tuning in and attuning to the Fractal Praxis wavelength. 📡 Til next week!