Change Up!

Post moon dunes marks a pivot point.
I am being revolutionized somatically psychologically fantastically lately.
It's breakthrough time for Fractal Praxis itself!
Writing Abounds
I wrote the outline to The Bones of Life. It's all essentially there! Of course it will need polishing and citing and extrapolating, but the bones of the bones are there. 🦴🦴🦴
And it is good. It is electric. It is outrageous in its simplicity. It is NEEDED.
And it has become apparent that, to the audiences and communities I am interested in building, they need my WHY—my context for what I am doing—before they'll come closer and go deeper.
And my why, my underpinning philosophy, though a vast and well-woven tapestry, has been mostly unpublished so far.
That is about to change.
It's time to get serious
I will be focusing on writing and on seeking resources, audiences, and publishers for said writing solely for the next three months.
I will abstain from providing any embodied offerings for a while. WITH the only exception of Celtic Wheel of the Year Ritual Spaces. I am keeping my promise to Spirit to complete a full Wheel of the Year community ritual space cycle, which will conclude with Samhain 2022.
🍂🍂🍂Join me for Fall Equinox ritual space at Shared Ground (3401 W 29th Ave, Denver, CO 80211) on Thursday, Sept 22 6-8pm!🍂🍂🍂 This ritual space will be so cozy and sweet, based on Starhawk's traditional ritual in Spiral Dance.
Details for the Samhain ritual (to be held this year on October 30) are TBA. Here's one sneak peek: there will be dancing. 💃🏽💃🏽💃🏽

Ceremony Sundays
When embodied offerings reemerge, they will probably be in the form of Sunday services. ⛪ Yes, oddly enough—this is just odd enough to be true of Fractal Praxis!
By which I mean, spiritual-depth oriented ritual spaces designed for deepening the embodied absorption and reckoning with Fractal Praxis philosophy and its profound implications. That'll probably happen on Sundays because, why not. Some lived grooves are just too good as they are.
Fractal Praxis is not a religion because it's not dogmatic. However, it IS an order—a way of reorganizing oneself to find greater accord with life patterning and life systems on their own terms. And because it is so true, it can be resonated with on both intellectual and embodied levels—and both ways of grappling with Fractal Praxis are absolutely crucial.
It has never been my intention to just publish the theory (beliefs) or just engage in ceremonial or educational space holding (body/behaviors)... rather, I am interested in belief-and-behavior structures, aka cognitive structures, aka worldviews, mental maps, etc. I am interested in the evolution of these structures as necessitated by pressures of surviving and demands of thriving.
So I intend to publish writings, videos, newsletters, etc. designed to put evolutionary pressure on your existing worldview, your operational assumptions. I also intend to open and hold sacred spaces for whole-self body-based communion with truths rippling through your soul. There is no separation, and there is no need for dualism in the Fractal Praxis worldview. Your body-mind is an exquisite, valid and valued means of sensemaking in the living universe.
I hope your genius body-mind will join with mine in communion, and will feast on the works of Fractal Praxis.
Blessed Be
Why did I go to Moon Dunes Loons after all? Solo? Why?
To be honest, I didn't even know. At least not in a way that could be explained verbally or rationally.
And yet, there were answers.
And yet, being out there, I was processed, and had all the space I needed for my processing. Bless these processes that digest and remake us endlessly. Bless maturation processes, bless liberation processes, bless clarification processes, bless reinvention processes.
If life is so intelligent, then of course it would keep making more genius out of the information it has. Of course it would keep innovating on the structures it has already produced, into ever higher order forms. Of course we would be subject to and subjects of this process—blissful, resistant, or equanimous in orientation, still we are processed.
What a blessing it is to be part of the stream of life! I cannot wait to share my blessed, hard-won articulations and truth-tellings that will help you and other beings enter more deeply into that stream, and emerge revitalized.

Stay if you will, Go if you must. Blessed Be.