Take the Bitter Medicine Embedded In Apocalypse

We are surrounded by apocalypse.
When will we have the emotional courage to admit our society is dying?
(I say "our society" although I know there are varying degrees of adoption and resistance within it. But it is the society upon which we currently rely for our existence.)
We are living through times of civilization collapse. We're not alone in this experience. But how do we orient? How do we rise above?
Before the age of 24 I had already undergone at least two major worldview transformations, in which everything I believed in (about the world, about myself) was proven wrong. Sending me into years-long depressions and desperate meaning crises, extremely upending my ordinary life, sending me to the brink of—god forbid—crazy.
I've since come to recognize that these experiences of massive transformation are natural. And not only survivable... but contribute to becoming anti-fragile.
They are part of learning and evolutionary processes that, believe it or not, we are built by life to withstand.
Many people would crumble, psychologically or otherwise, under the pressures I endured.
But I came out the other side.
Because as long as you're still breathing, you're still in the process. And so you can integrate and learn from that which does not kill you. And you can emerge a more whole self as a result.
This is redemption. And if you get good at transforming... maybe you'll find the pieces of redemption located in the dying our today's society, too.
Please watch my latest Wednesday Evening Weirding Session for a nighttime dive into dark themes. Fitting for the current potent new moon. 🌑
When we're thrust into the underworld
Only grace and good form can bear us back out again.
If we fight too hard, or don't fight at all,
We will stay under and merge with the realm of the gone-beyond.
To go beyond while still alive,
And learn how to navigate this terrain,
This is our only real hope.
Reminder to Members:
- Submit your questions, thoughts or feedback here, and it may get a response in an upcoming WEWS episode!
- Tuesday Feb. 4th is invite-only, in-person IMBOLC! If you know you know! See you soon 🕯️✨