

Hi community,

Do you resonate with what I'm putting out there?

With what I'm all about?

Let's find out. 🔎

I am ready to receive your feedback. I am ready to take up more space in these discourses. I am ready for relationship.

In some life arenas, I'm a savant. In others, I have a long and hard time understanding basic things. Welcome to my world.

From a young age, I've committed to a path of generative, holistic transformation through relating with the TRUTHS embedded in our experiences. I am thwarted by a social order that centers the opposite—lying and coercive manipulation—which ultimately undermines itself in favor of short-term gains and accelerated collapse. Welcome to my world.

I am not only thriving. I am not only failing. I am not only alone. I am not only a community leader. It is a complex mix of things.

🌍 We contain multitudes. 🌍

So I beg you: let me feel you. Are you resonating? Let me know. I need to know who are my kin in this Way. I need to love and be loved by you now.

Your dharma friend,
