Moon, Dunes, Commune
I command thee,
And thou shall remove the illusion
of one's aloneness
and of one's displacement.
Saturday August 17th to Tuesday August 20th.
A group camping experience at the Great Sand Dunes.
A hike up the dunes, spellbound and spotlit by a worshippable full moon.
A circling, a ceremony, a transcendental communion... a closing.
And a never being the same again.
Dear reader, please consider joining us for Moon Dunes. Simply click the button below. The password is, "commune."
This is not my first Moon Dunes. Technically, it will be my third. However it will be my first Fractal Praxis-guided, group hosted camping trip.
And, Goddess willing, I am READY.
Here's a new Instagram post featuring images from my solo trip, two years ago. (Click "view email in browser" if the embed isn't showing up properly.)
The tagline I've been trying out in conversation lately (to some success!) is:
"Communing with the full moon, on the great sand dunes... on shr00ms"
And when people hear such astounding assonance as that, they are understandably captivated. π But I mean, the actual experience IS about as poetic and enchanting as the words promise. So it's not an empty appeal. It's a real deal appealβsqueal! (Hey, shake dat assonance if you've got it!)
Since you, beloved, are on my mailing list, that makes you EXTRA special. (Subscribers always get the goods!) SO, here is a unique offering.
What follows is a rough draft of a brief talk I plan to provide at Moon Dunes, to take place either the first evening (17th) or the first morning (18th). After we all arrive, while we are still adjusting and orienting to what is we're doing together out here.
It's about resensitizing. Literally bringing our senses back online. Attuning our mind to the information coming in through our senses. Real information from the interaction between our body-minds and our real environments.
This fabric of our senses and the interior capacity for sense-making is what weaves us together with the "extended cognition" of the entire, living world. π
It's not only a fallacy that we are these distinct, isolated individuals in the universe... it's an even worse fallacy that we make sense of who we are & who we are "meant" to become AS those individual units.
If I may be so bold, what's MORE true is:
We are expressions of a continuum of Life/creation in the universe.
We owe every iota of our existence to the collective, unified, and contiguous process of sense-making distributed across all beings and all time.
As humans, we must leverage our especially vast capacities for meaning-making and sense-making to reinforce the fabric of our interconnectedness with all beings. That is, we must apply our wisdom in service of Life. To think and act holistically is to enact high regard for all our relations.
Doing this, we cannot help but become more whole.
When we are really in flow & attuned, Life speaks through us. We are both receptors and selectorsβcapable of choosing and acting on some signals over others. (Our roles as highly attuned receptors AND highly discerning selectors are both crucial to our collective survival. Maybe now more than ever.)
As a result of these practices/process: things tend to emerge as much more easeful, more well-ordered, more well-put-together, more beautiful, at scale & all considered.
We'll restore our place in this universe when we make more enduring beauty from our being.
I trust that you are on this path. In all the ways, shapes, and forms.
I'm with you.
Here is my favorite new way to encapsulate that message. I will speak this like a mantra now, when I need to remember my true self. My true self is someone who speaks this to all beings without discrimination.
"I love you. Do what you need to do."