Holisma Vision
🌬️*blows dust off the stacks*📚
How do you do!
This is my first newsletter in weeks. 📖
I have been busy being reorganized by major life shifts. 🌬️➡️🌬️➡️🌬️➡️All in the service of getting me more stable.
➡️ Accepting a full-time salaried job.
➡️ Releasing a destabilizing relationship.
➡️ Changing up unawake patterns in how I excessively give in support of others while keeping myself depleted.
➡️ Proceeding step-by-step down a path of healing from C-PTSD.
And soon: ➡️ A new abode that will better hold my & Fractal Praxis' blossoming abiding. 🏡
And, as a flow-based being, I know well that sometimes you have to just toss everything non-essential up in the air, because your hands are too full and busy... case in point, this newsletter. And hope it floats back into grip when the timing is write. Heh.
Likewise, in true blue flow form: in a matter of days I'm erupting into some spectacular and sizeable new forms.
Presenting: a six-part immersive-arts ceremony series attuning us to vital patterns in nature, called Holisma.
Holisma Launches April 9th
View the launch post on Instagram
Holisma is a multimedia, interactive ritual space centered on attuning ourselves—mind, body and spirit—to key patterns from nature. These patterns are deep truths, that, when attuned to, have the potential to reorganize us for the holistic better.
The weeks & themes are:
- April 9: Interconnectedness
- April 23: Resilience
- May 14: Story and Culture
- May 28: Wildness as Self-Regulation
- June 11: Right Relationship
- June 25: Collective Meaning Making
On April 9th, the first theme, Interconnectedness will be explored.
Interconnectedness is all about the wisdom of Oneness. And its closest physical analogue—🧠🍄🕸️our webs of sensemaking🕸️🍄🧠—and their capacity for limitless brilliance, processing our oneness into ever higher resolution. 👁️ Yet the reality of Oneness, of Interbeing, is so vast it tends to evade our direct perception. So what does it look like to train ourselves to perceive it?
Holisma is an invitation to integrate deep inner & outer knowings about nature's wise patterns through flow states. When it comes to reunifying ourselves with nature, flow is essential praxis.
Rocky Flow and Raucous Eruptions
Though Holisma came up & out & through me in record time, it has surely been incubating for many months, even years, in the underground—all that dark raw discombobulated material of random voice memos and pen scribblings, unconscious of what form it would take. Then, like magic, like synthesis, one day, the cosmos aligns, and something big is born—apparently near-fully formed!!!
Bless the business managers and disciplined creators who can logically array their products and processes into strategic, thoughtfully resourced pipelines. I admire their order, even if I can never match it. Don't get me wrong, I love organizing—I even consider myself an Organizer. But I cannot scheme my works rationally in advance.
Because I follow an intrinsic order. Which can look ARISING. It often looks like chaos, a range. 🌊 Like long dormant periods, then random eruptions. 🌋 I just emit shit.💥
🌪️Because I PROCESS shit.🌪️
And range is key when we're talking about adaptability. Experiential range enables improvisation, problem-solving, nonlinear thinking. Get SO dysregulated... then get SO regulated. 🌊 Dynamism like this can yield stability gradually—through epic learning. ⛰️
It's how I'm going to produce these six shows with little more than an outline. Oh, I'll do the dutiful, disciplined thing of immersing in the themes leading up to each ceremony. Then, once it's show time, I'm gonna channel it. Like the poet-prophet I'm arising into.
I let the energy flow where it wants to go through me. This is my life-long commitment and healing discipline: 🌊Flow.🌊 Autonomy—autopoeisis—as a method of reunification with nature across all scales.
And the more I heal... the more potent and well-placed my yields.
To anyone I've hurt in The Process, I'm sorry. And I, like you I hope, am continuing to grow in my capacity for integrity. I pray for our integration yielding ever greater integrity, in the name of all beings.
Friends, I really hope you'll join me for Holisma. In person is definitely optimal for the immersive experience. Events are held at Shared Ground in the sanctuary, 4:44 to 6pm, every 2nd & 4th Sundays. Because these offerings are for the benefit of all beings, they are by donation. All are welcome.
However, digital access is also available: Members of Shared Ground (follow this link to join!) will receive a livestream of the events through Discord. And that's not all: Subscribers of Fractal Praxis at any paid monthly membership level will receive exclusive access to all of the Holisma video recordings.
Thank you for your support. It means so much to me that you read these, and are moving alongside me on this autopoeitic journey.
Love you.