Flow & Know

Hi friends, tonight's WEWS is a deliberately easeful one. I simply draw a cup from the well of my abundant in-flow work.
I appreciate you watching, listening, and taking this in. 💓 Each WEWS is emergent, and this series is set to adapt and transform based on feedback. What do you think about this one? Do you want to see/hear more of this, compared to earlier lecture-style videos?
Next week I am preparing to begin a sub-series of storytelling about events and realizations in my own life, that led to the formation of certain pillars of ideas in Fractal Praxis. I want to show you the territory I traversed in my own reindigenizing/decolonizing journey. I feel it's finally time to reveal more about myself and how this work came to be—because I finally feel secure enough in myself, my mindset, and my relations... after a long road. 🛣️
Today's episode is dedicated to one of my sacred teachers, Kritee, who also speaks passionately about the imperative of reindigenizing and decolonizing. Please check out her work at her website, and the carousel below:
Lastly: would you take 3-5 minutes to fill out this interest form about potential future course offerings by Fractal Praxis? I'd really appreciate it! https://forms.gle/y874gQET3Tt49AWs7
Love and blessings,