Concluding Holisma: Today's Closing Ceremony

Today—Sunday, June 25th—at 4:44pm MT at Shared Ground, we shall convene the final Holisma mass of the six part series.

Today's theme is Collective Sense-Making. It is the intentional bookend to the first mass held back in April, Interconnectedness, which centered on patterns in nature and experiences in our selves of oneness.

Today, we'll explore superorganisms, murmuration behavior, synchronicities, intuition, the collective unconscious, and more. All centered on this splendid praxis of Life-as-a-system: fostering diversification and complexification so as to drive the formation of even more incredible intelligence.

This will be the most co-creative mass of the entire series. Involving theater games, poetic freestyling, collaborative storytelling, and co-lit illumination.

It'll feel like a brain firing up with a new realization. 🧠✨ The power inherent to pressuring the mind to integrate a lot of difference, and have it find the surprising layer of unity in experience. ⭕

Please join for this ecstatic conclusion of the Holisma ceremony series! All ages, free to all (donations welcome if you're able to give).

What's Up Next?

The end of Holisma marks a shift in Fractal Praxis' strategy.

As with everything in my life, Fractal Praxis emerges through open-minded inspiration and sensitive, curious synergy. The Holisma offerings were intuitively crystallized in the first quarter of the year, to take place in the second quarter of the year. The learnings gleaned from Holisma—about my own process, my audiences, my offerings—were plenty!

Next will come iterations on the above (naturally). Here's how I believe it will look as we roll our way into the third quarter of 2023. I will be composting the contents and containers of Holisma into some forms of the following:

  • Adjusting my ceremonial / guided offerings into different containers and offerings — for instance, adapted moreso to psychedelic journeys and dedicated cohorts, rather than what Holisma was: open-ended by-donation "attunement" drop-in spaces
  • Shifting my design-thinking energy toward producing online-accessible introductory education on the core premises and practices of Fractal Praxis
  • Writing more! I want to spruce up the attention these newsletters are getting, and find other venues to publish Fractal Praxis thinking. Waiting to receive love are my first Fractal Praxis theory tract, The Bones of Life, and my first Fractal Praxis creative themed zine, Sea-zine #1: Love Rules.
  • I do anticipate the potential for more drop-in style ceremonies, cyphers, and magical containers at Shared Ground on Sundays in July, August, and September. They'll be less thematically-constrained than the Holisma masses, yet still creative and mind-altering "happenings" nonetheless! Stay tuned for news on this as life emerges.

Thank you for reading, and for attuning to these themes however you have been. Whether you've attended a Holisma ceremony (Thank you! Bless you! May we keep braiding!) or you've chosen to take inspiration from these newsletters and attune in your own way and rhythm—I honor us.

If you feel called to support Fractal Praxis through regular monthly donations or one-time offerings, I receive your gifts with deep gratitude for how you are receiving and honoring mine. ✨

Your friend and sometimes-guide in this adventure of life,
