Baba Yaga and Bleeding To Gain Maturity
A sequence of offerings shall arise—a drip, drip, drip 🩸—across these next weeks, culminating in the next new moon. 🌑
Regarding the election outcome. 🇺🇸 I feel truly sad that so many people today are choosing regression into nostalgic myths and childlike ignorance because they're so identified with FEAR and HATE of a complex world and a challenging future.
I'm desperate to invoke and uplift the capacity to develop maturity in us. (And as someone authoritative to speak on this, I'm going to be coming out LOUDER AND PROUDER than ever before. 📣 After all, let's be clear, my complicity and politeness through observant silence hasn't saved me or anyone. Time to abandon that path, and try the opposite.)
Good goddess do we need to equip ourselves to prune, ✂️ to shed, to reckon and compost, to be able to do what we need to do. NOW.
To make gains in maturity, we must train and we must train and we must TRAIN.
Just as much as we need to cultivate in ourselves the ability to grow 🌱 we need also comprehend the role of destruction 🍂. Destruction includes: releasing smaller, shallower versions of ourselves to the dust bin of history. 🗑️ And moving on as a MORE WHOLE self. 🌟
Clarissa Pinkola Estes in her tremendous book Women Who Run With the Wolves (buy it! read it!) unpacks why maturing means gaining an understanding of, and engaging with, the life-death-life (a three phase cycle, like a spiral 🐚) cycles naturally existing in the world. It means developing the ability to both kill things, or not allow them to grow, AND to cultivate things, or encourage them to grow.
To reckon with our own power to discern AND decide? This is about developing maturity and thus, the capacity to really benefit ourselves/others.
Baba Yaga inspires and invites an ordeal of such growth, in her own harsh manner. Oh yes, lucky for us, the Baba Yaga has teachings for us.
On Menstruation as The Capacity To Integrate
Speaking for women and people with uteruses, our primal power and wisdom springs from our bodies' natural capacities. We ourselves cycle between extremes of fertility and fallowness in a span of mere weeks.
This physical and hormonal rhythm inclines us intuitively to understand a transcendent wisdom for life: how to CHOOSE as creators what we give life to, and what we let die (shed).
For ALL human beings seeking to reach maturity: the skill and art of your selection power can be cultivated.
What do I give my energy to? is selection.
What do I "let live" with my attention and care? is selection.
What do I "let die" by taking away my power? is selection.
"What we put our attention on, grows." Which is why Revealing / Re-veil-ing was the theme of my offering yesterday evening, speaking into that shock & wound aftermath moment. 🕯️
Menstruation is a periodic ordeal. It pains, it slows, and it hits a hormonal "reset" button inside of me.
The ability to flush out and make room for a new phase is a profound thing to experience.
Recently, I reflected on how menstruation may be tied to integration. Which I define as: A being's capacity for bringing together its loose parts, synthesizing available information into a new whole or structure, a new interior map of everything. It's kind of like what happens when we sleep at night, or what can happen in the aftermath of a spiritual awakening.
New moons are conventionally seen as a time for shedding, for darkness, for reflection and inward view. Selecting for what to "let live" and what to "let die" in the next lunar cycle. Even if you're not a body that experiences menstruation, you can choose to attune to lunar regulation, like my friend Drew (Ritual Point). To profound results.
Bleeding to Sharpen the Blade of Discernment 🩸
Here is a passage from a previous personal Baba Yaga ceremony that coincided with a new moon AND my bleeding. I invite you to read it aloud to receive its full potency.
My blood is coming.
In so many ways it's as if
the earth is already steeped in it
dreams of it and weeps of it
the iron scent pervading glyphs like petrichor
I must learn now
how to prune back and well curate
the branches of all that does not serve
this magic to flourish.
Cutting 🔪 back with the BLADE of discernment
as fiercely as a woman who would kill in an instant
without more than a moment's thought
she is SO trusting in her knowing
she never must entertain doubts about
her conduct—what foolishness
She Does. Is. Knows. All in one.
She chooses what she needs in each moment.
She has the power to.
Nov 16th, 2:30pm - Chicken Culling workshop at LSI
If you'd like to practice your inner capacity to cull and kill. And I don't say this flippantly, but sincerely: this is a tough thing to reckon with, and you may authentically not be ready. Or maybe you are.
There is an opportunity for you to be in sacred practice happening Saturday Nov 16th at 2:30pm at LSI. It is our annual chicken culling workshop.
As a land steward in training, this is humbling work. And yet it is important to train for sacred action in these ways. Some may argue it's impossible to take a life in a sacred way. However, for me, it IS possible, through acknowledgement of the sacred interconnectedness, the ways we all depend on one another.
Please join me if you choose.
Nov 16th - Birth of the Cosmos Event by

I helped co-found and served as its chief engagement officer 2018-2019. This community has a special place in my heart, now and forever. is a hub for visionary creative people and fans to uplift and amplify their offerings toward shaping our conscious world. It is also a platform co-op (an online platform owned by the users).
Their online journal Metapsychosis published my first longform piece of writing in 2017, Transmuting the Trumpocalypse (❗) (which might be more salient today, dearest readers, than I ever would have guessed...)
Cosmos is now officially launching as a legal bona fide CO-OP! after nine years of slow incubation. 🥳 Thus, a (Re)Birth of Cosmos event is taking place on the evening of Nov. 16th.
I'll be contributing in the capacity of priestess at this event: song, word, and performance offering intuitively tied to the themes of the eve, and woven among the other performers' offerings.
This event is in person at Longmont Public Media, or you can watch it livestreamed from home.
Nov 24th - Baba Yaga virtual workshop-and-ritual
Come join for the Baba Yaga workshop on Nov. 24th. It's being held ONLINE so all can access it! By donation, none turned away.

The Baba Yaga event was deliberately scheduled to take place one week before the subsequent new moon, giving you time to integrate and experiment with these ideas and make them your own before the ideal time for an actual ritual.
Please take a moment and share this event page with your friends! I dream of being of even greater service through my teachings, artistic creations, invocations, and experiential offerings. The time is rising in which I am more seen. 👀 So please help spread the word!
Blessings & solidarity,